

Infant Baptism

Please contact the Parish Office for information about Infant Baptism.

The following are the guidelines for Baptisms in Our Lady of the Mountains Parish:

  • Only the parent/legal guardian may make arrangements/registration for the Baptismal Program.
  • Families must be registered parishioners of Our Lady of the Mountains. If a baptism is desired here in our parish by a family that lives outside our parish we must receive a letter from their home parish granting us permission to baptize one of their parishioners and that the parents have completed the preparation program of their home parish.
  • The classes are for the parents of the child. If one of the parents is not Catholic they are encouraged to also take the class but it is not required. Godparents are invited to take the class with the child’s parents. We only require parents to take a class if they have not previously taken a class for an older child.
  • Godparents must be fully initiated Catholics who are practicing the faith. If the Godparent is from another parish we will require a letter of good standing from their parish. A non-Catholic baptized Christian may serve as a Christian Witness if that is desired as long on there is a Catholic Godparent and the non-Catholic is an active member of their own church.
  • We encourage baptisms to take place in a Saturday or Sunday Mass. Baptisms may also be scheduled on a Saturday or Sunday outside of mass if that is desired. Baptisms may be celebrated at either St. Mary Church or St. Patrick Church.
  • Parents may request a particular priest or deacon of our parish to preside at the baptism and we will do all we can to accommodate your desire.


Is the R.C.I.A for you?
~ Interested in learning more about what it means to be a Catholic Christian?
~ Are you seeking to receive the rest of your sacraments within the Catholic Church?

We welcome you!

What is R.C.I.A.?
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults introduces adults to the Catholic faith and tradition and provides preparation for Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. The R.C.I.A process is one of exploration, prayer, faith formation and study.

Who is invited? 

~ Adults (18 and older) baptized or non-baptized who are seeking to receive certain sacraments or full conversion into the Catholic Church                                                                                               

~ Practicing and non-practicing Catholics.

~ Civilly married couples that want to have their marriages blessed in the Catholic Church

There is also a process for Children (age 7 and older).

R.C.I.A is a great way to learn about the Catholic Faith for the first time or learn more about the faith!

Please contact one of our priests or Jamie Imes, 301-777-1750, ext. 112, if interested.

Let us walk with you on your faith journey as you encounter Christ!

R.C.I.A is held on Sunday’s from 12:30 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. in the OLM Office Center, Meeting Rm. 7, unless otherwise noted.

OLM Sacrament Handbook: SP20242025

First Reconciliation and First Eucharist

Sunday, February 23rd – First Eucharist Enrollment/Blessing Ceremony at the 9:00 a.m. Mass at St. Mary Church; Parent/Guardian Meeting 10:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. in the Parish Office Center, meeting Rm. 7.

Children who have reached the age of reason (typically around seven years old) are invited along with their parents to participate in preparation for First Reconciliation in the fall of each year. These children must have been participating in Faith Formation classes in the parish or Bishop Walsh School for a minimum of one year prior to acceptance into the program. The program includes an information session for parents, home instruction by parents with provided text material, and a mini-retreat morning for a parent and child. First Reconciliation is celebrated during the Advent Season in a communal ritual with individual confession. Parents are encouraged to also celebrate the Sacrament at that time.

Preparation for First Eucharist takes place following First Reconciliation. Those children who have celebrated First Reconciliation are invited to then begin preparation for First Eucharist. The structure of the program is similar to that of First Reconciliation with an information session for parents, home instruction by parents with provided text material, and a mini-retreat morning for a parent and child. First Eucharist is celebrated on the first Sunday of May.

Picture above – First Reconciliation Mini-Retreat on Saturday, November 23rd.





Normally youth who are in the tenth grade are invited to begin preparation for the celebration of Confirmation which takes place in the spring of the year they have entered the tenth grade. The invitation is extended to those youth who are participating in the life of the parish, have been participating in Faith Formation classes in the parish or at Bishop Walsh School for a minimum of one year prior to acceptance into the program. The program consists of eight one hour and fifteen-minute sessions, a session with parents, a session with sponsors, a mini-retreat and an overnight retreat, group service experiences, and an interview with a member of the parish staff or Confirmation Team.

Sunday, February 23rd -Confirmation Preparation Session Five

All Confirmation Preparation Sessions are held Sunday – 10:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. in the Parish Office Center, Meeting Room 6.

Sunday, March 2nd – Confirmation Candidate/Sponsor Session – 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in St. Mary Social Hall.


Confirmation Handbook Information and Forms:  

Letter from Fr. Greg:  frgregletter 

Confirmation Calendar: ConfirmationCalendar20232024

Co-Curricular Leader Letter w/calendar:  cocurricularletter    

Confirmation Goals and Principles:  goalsforhandbook

Program Components and Missed Events Policy:  handbookmissedevents

Choosing Your Sponsor:  handbookchoosingsponsor


Confirmation registration form:  SPregformC

Permission Form for Service Sundays:  

Confirmation Name:  handbookconfname

Sponsor Contact Form:  handbooksponsorform

Candidate Covenant:  Covenant


Holy Matrimony

Please call the parish office at least seven months in advance of your wedding date. Couples are required to attend a marriage preparation program prior to their wedding. There is more detailed information sheet available on the OLM Wedding Policy Information Sheet. Also, before you call please look at the Our Lady of the Mountains Marriage Preparation Page .