For more information about where grave lots are available and pricing, please contact the Parish Office at 301-777-1750.
St. Ambrose Cemetery
14923 Winchester Road, SW
Cresaptown, MD 21502
St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Cemetery
14201 Uhl Highway
Cumberland, MD 21502
St. Patrick, Cumberland, Cemetery
Furnace Street
Cumberland, MD 21502
St. Patrick, Mt. Savage, Cemetery
Mile Lane NW
Mt. Savage, MD 21545
Shrine of Saints Peter & Paul Cemetery
Fayette Street
Cumberland, MD 21502
Our Lady of the Mountains also holds one special event at our St. Mary Cemetery on Uhl Highway in Cumbeland, MD.
* Infant Bereavement Service which is held every year during the month of October
Please call the Parish Office for more information at 301-777-1750.